You might think the banner of this website is so original and elegant. This is not by chance: being well aware of the impact of a visual identity on any communication campaign, we realised that we needed a professional graphic product to express the unique features of the ICHEP conference. Thus, we launched a competitive call for a brand/logotype and a coordinated poster. We outlined the concepts they were expected to convey: the international and scientific world of High Energy Physics and distinct aspects of the host city of Bologna. Both senior professionals and students working in graphics and design submitted more than 400 proposals: a great demonstration of interest from a community of non-physicists. Sorting out so much good-quality material was indeed challenging. We identified a winner (the one shown in the banner), five proposals worthy of a special mention (which you can preview here below), and forty-six best works. These will be shown during the conference within a dedicated exhibition, and all participants will have the possibility to view them.